Selasa, 09 Juli 2019

Computer Networking Download

ISBN: 0133594149
Title: Computer Networking Pdf A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition)
Author: James F. Kurose
Published Date: 2017
Page: 824

Jim Kurose is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently on leave from the University of Massachusetts, serving as an Assistant Director at the US National Science Foundation, where he leads the Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering. Dr. Kurose has received a number of recognitions for his educational activities including Outstanding Teacher Awards from the National Technological University (eight times), the University of Massachusetts, and the Northeast Association of Graduate Schools. He received the IEEE Taylor Booth Education Medal and was recognized for his leadership of Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative. He has been the recipient of a GE Fellowship, an IBM Faculty Development Award, and a Lilly Teaching Fellowship. Dr. Kurose is a former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Communications and of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has been active in the program committees for IEEE Infocom, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM Internet Measurement Conference, and ACM SIGMETRICS for a number of years and has served as Technical Program Co-Chair for those conferences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interests include network protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance evaluation. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Columbia University.  Keith Ross is the Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at NYU Shanghai and the Leonard J. Shustek Chair Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at NYU. Previously he was at University of Pennsylvania (13 years), Eurecom Institute (5 years) and Polytechnic University (10 years). He received a B.S.E.E from Tufts University, a M.S.E.E. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Computer and Control Engineering from The University of Michigan. Keith Ross is also the co-founder and original CEO of Wimba, which develops online multimedia applications for e-learning and was acquired by Blackboard in 2010. Professor Ross’s research interests are in security and privacy, social networks, peer-to-peer networking, Internet measurement, video streaming, content distribution networks, and stochastic modeling. He is an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, recipient of the Infocom 2009 Best Paper Award, and recipient of 2011 and 2008 Best Paper Awards for Multimedia Communications (awarded by IEEE Communications Society). He has served on numerous journal editorial boards and conference program committees, including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM CoNext, and ACM Internet Measurement Conference. He also has served as an advisor to the Federal Trade Commission on P2P file sharing. 

For courses in Networking/Communications


Motivates readers with a top-down, layered approach to computer networking

Unique among computer networking texts, the Seventh Edition of the popular Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach builds on the author’s long tradition of teaching this complex subject through a layered approach in a “top-down manner.” The text works its way from the application layer down toward the physical layer, motivating readers by exposing them to important concepts early in their study of networking. Focusing on the Internet and the fundamentally important issues of networking, this text provides an excellent foundation for readers interested in computer science and electrical engineering, without requiring extensive knowledge of programming or mathematics. The Seventh Edition has been updated to reflect the most important and exciting recent advances in networking.

Well written text. Well written text. The homework problems are awkwardly written. Many of them are written as a string of questions, rather than being broken out in to part a, b, c, etc. It is easy to overlook part of the problem, or provide an incomplete answer.Quite good I have the International Edition and so can only speak for that. This is the recommended text for our Data Comm course and and I find that the book does a good job given the fact I have zero background in this area. The lecturer also used the slides prepared by the authors so everything tied in nicely. If you do get the book, I would recommend that you check out the student's resources at the publisher's website. There are useful animations that enhance understanding of the material and the one that sticks in my mind concerns routing, MAC addresses and IP addresses. One final note, if you wish to learn subnetting painlessly you will need more material. My advice is to download the 3Com paper referenced by the authors, I read it and it was like a light was switched on.Top-Down Approach Most books in computer networks start bottom-up. This is good for those who might be beginners or those who are just looking to get a high level understanding of the field since it starts with the bigger picture and gets to the complicated lower level stuff later. Computer networks might feel dry to some, so starting with the upper level layers to the lower level ones later can more easily grab readers' attention. As a result they're more likely to stay for the entire ride and see how great computer networks are. It provides interesting end of chapter interviews! It also mentions the history and its influence on computer networks, which one might not take away from a computer networks class even though it is the basis of the internet that we know today. Great book!

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Tags: 0133594149 pdf,Computer Networking pdf,A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition) pdf,James Kurose, Keith Ross,Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition),Pearson,0133594149,Networking - General,Computer networks,Computer networks.,Internet,Internet.,COMPUTER,COMPUTERS / Networking / General,Computer Books: General,Computer/General,Computers,Computers - Communications / Networking,Non-Fiction,Scholarly/Undergraduate,Textbooks (Various Levels),United States

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